Atlanta Astronomy Club (AAC)

by Mike

The Atlanta Astronomy Club is amongst the biggest organizations of novice and amateur astronomers within the South Eastern United States. The club looks to provide enjoyment and education to the general public via amateur astronomy.

Monthly meetings are held at 8pm on the Friday nearest the full moon. Club business is briefly discussed, followed by amateur and professional speakers from all over the country.

Also scheduled is a Dark Sky Observing (DSO) event every new moon weekend, so that observers can have an opportunity to pursue their own observing agendas.

Sessions for beginners and the public are also scheduled through the year.

The Atlanta Astronomy Club (AAC) hosts an annual star party, The Peach State Star Gaze (known fondly as The PSSG) at the nearby Deerlick Astronomy Village home of the darkest skies in the southeast.

In the spring the club holds a no frills “star party” called the Zombie Party usually to coincide with the yearly Messier marathon.

Georgia Astronomy in State parks (GASP) events are held 4 to 5 times a year in State parks around Georgia. The Club gives a short presentation to the public and sets up scopes to show the campers the night sky.

Public outreach

Each year The Atlanta Astronomy Club sets up scopes and presentations for schools, museums, state parks, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and many others free of charge. As part of their outreach they also have Sidewalk Astronomy session in public areas to share their knowledge and the sky with others.

Atlanta Astronomy Club, Inc.
PO Box 76155
Atlanta GA 30358-1155


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