Baader Planetarium Fringe Killer Filter

The Baader Planetarium Fringe Killer Filter reduces undesirable blue fringing, similar to a 'Minus Violet Filter', whilst still maintaining an exceedingly pleasant color balance.

This offers the brightest image of any color correcting device on the market today, and is why the Fringe Killer is absolutely vital for even the most compact of refracting scopes. It eliminates blue and red fringing above 656 nm.

Breaks the intensity of the devastating false blue color in a totally new way, never before manufactured as an astronomical filter.

There is 50% transmission in the blue spectral region from 450 nm to 480 nm, being considerably more intricate to produce than the narrowest of all Nebula Filters.

It retains the highest light transmission of all known color correcting devices whether it be filters or lenses in all significant deep sky wavelengths from 486/501 up to 656 nm.

A Built-in Infrared Blocker, which ranges from 656 to 1150 nm, renders it the ideal device for CCD work, as well as afocal projection-photography with digital cameras for the Moon and Planets.

The subtlest of color variations remain visible in planetary surface detail, as a result of the outstanding color balance and whencombined with the Neodymium Moon and Skyglow Filter provides breathtaking contrast on planetary and lunar surface detail.

Being planoptically polished results in perfect sharpness, even when mounted way in front of a binocular viewer, or during afocal projection (digital imaging).

There is no deterioration of resolution with magnification at 300 x or more as happens with the typical flame polished glass, frequently used for all types of filters.

This fine optical tool will help a small refractor to really put the advertized magnification within reach.

Performance rivals that of the most expensive color correcting lens systems, costing twenty times as much.

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