Bushnell Reflector Telescope

The optical system in a Bushnell Reflector Telescope utilizes a primary mirror to reflect the light from a distant object in a way that it can be focused to a point and magnified by an eyepiece.

This type of scope was made popular by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century and it is frequently referred to as a Newtonian reflector.

This range of telescopes provide amateur astronomers with a state of the art computer-driven location and tracking capability with uncomplicated, push-button control.

With a built-in database of 20,000 celestial objects, you only need to call up your target on the hand-held control module, enter a simple "Go To" command and the NorthStar computer does everything else.

The moment it is locked on, keeping track of the object for extended observing is automatic. An imaginative RVO (Real Voice Output™) feature delivers a fun, interactive method to investigate the sky at night.

The remote, hand-held control module features red, backlit push buttons and a red, illuminated LCD read-out for easy viewing without impairing your night vision.

The telescopes also feature the new 1x wide-angle, red-dot finderscope. Other features include a quick-release tripod and accessory tray for fast and easy assembly.

Your Bushnell telescope can open a new window on the wonders of the universe, and whilst Bushell Northstar reflector telescopes can give you an amazing tour of the sky at night it will help you greatly if you obtain a starchart and basic guide to astronomy.

The Bushnell Voyager Reflector Telescope comes in two sizes 76mm and 114mm the other models in the range being refractors.

You can get some great views of the Moon's craters, ridges and mountains with any magnification. Saturn rings and moons too will provide you with very rewarding images.

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