Meade Starnavigator 102

The Meade Starnavigator 102 refractor telescope is very straightforward to operate, and is a fully computer-guided GO TO scope which features the Meade lightweight, portable and reliable DS-2000 single arm robotic mount and the Meade AudioStar Computer Keypad.

The outstanding modern technology built into this scope recognizes the night sky straight out of the box. You simply switch it on, and after a brief alignment procedure is able to take you to any object in it's database of more that 30,000 objects, or you can if you wish be taken on a guided tour of the heavens.

It is unbelievable but with this small scope you can observe far more objects in a single night than Galileo saw in his life time.

The sturdily built mount features innovative electronics to make alignment very easy, including an internal clock, whilst the full size and adjustable height aluminum tripod makes for relaxed observing from either a sitting or standing position. The mount is conveniently powered by the internal battery pack which holds eight "AA" batteries.

The substantial light gathering capability of this telescope together with the sophisticated electronics package means this may be the only telescope the occasional observer ever requires.

The rings of Saturn, 4 satellites of Jupiter, and many hundreds of Moon craters are just the start of objects that can observed through this telescope.


  • Telescope: Meade 102 Achromatic Refractor
  • Objective Size: 102mm
  • Focal Length: 800mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/7.7
  • Maximum Practical Magnification: 160x +
  • Finder: Meade 1x Red Dot reflex finder
  • Supplied Eyepieces: Meade MA25mm (32x) and MA9mm (89x)
  • Mounting Type: Meade DS2000 Alt-Az Single Fork and aluminium tripod
  • Guidance System: Meade Audiostar with Astronomer Inside Audio Guide
  • Object Library: 30000+ objects
  • Bundled Software: Meade AutoStar Suite Astronomer Edition and Instructional DVD
  • Powerpack: 8xAA Cells (not included)

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