Lumicon Sky Vector

The Lumicon Sky Vector 1 System is a digital setting circle system, which provides practically any astronomical telescope, be it equatorial or altazimuth with a continuous, real-time digital readout of right ascension and declination coordinates.

It incorporates 4000-step digital encoders, high-resolution display modes, current constellation and current chart number displays, and a 210-object database , all on an 8-digit red LED display.

The Lumicon SkyVector enables you to locate an object quite easily in the GUIDE mode, where you become the 'drive motors' as you're guided to your favorite deep sky object.

It is not necessary to polar align the telescope, and no need to input latitude, longitude, time, or date. Simply initialize on one or two stars and then allow the SkyVector guide you to selected deep sky objects as you point your telescope.

After you have familiarized yourself with the Lumicon Sky Vector , you will actually be capable of finding objects more rapidly compared to the majority of fully computer-driven telescopes.

The alphanumeric display utilizes an uncomplicated, easy to read scrolling text format incorporating a monochromatic red LED dot matrix display that will not interfere with dark-adapted vision. The brightness of the LED display can be controlled with the DIM button.

Right Ascension readout is accurate to 1 minute, and Declination readout is accurate to 10 arc-minutes. The 210-object database includes the popular Messier Catalog.

Lumicon Sky Vector


  • Sophisticated guidance system that permits finding deep sky objects quickly and accurately
  • No need to set date, time, longitude, latitude or polar alignment
  • Built-in extensive 210 object database as well as current chart numbers of constellations; Includes the popular Messier Catalog
  • Alphanumeric display uses a simple, easy-to-read scrolling text format incorporating a monochromatic red LED dot matrix display that will not interfere with dark-adapted vision
  • Digital Right Ascension readout is accurate to 1 minute, and digital Declination readout is accurate to 10 arc-minutes
  • Works faster than computer-driven telescopes
  • Brightness control via "DIM" button

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